The Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology (OBO) Foundry is a collective of ontology developers that are committed to collaboration and adherence to shared principles. The mission of the OBO Foundry is to develop a family of interoperable ontologies that are both logically well-formed and scientifically accurate. To achieve this, OBO Foundry participants voluntarily adhere to and contribute to the development of an evolving set of principles including open use, collaborative development, non-overlapping and strictly-scoped content, and common syntax and relations, based on ontology models that work well, such as the Gene Ontology (GO).
The OBO Foundry is overseen by an Operations Committee with Editorial, Technical and Outreach working groups. The processes of the Editorial working group are modelled on the journal refereeing process. A complete treatment of the OBO Foundry is given in "The OBO Foundry: coordinated evolution of ontologies to support biomedical data integration".
On this site you will find a table of ontologies, available in several formats, with details for each, and documentation on OBO Principles.
You can contribute to this site using GitHub OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io or get in touch with us by joining our mail list http://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/obo-discuss.
bfo | Basic Formal Ontology | The upper level ontology upon which OBO Foundry ontologies are built. Detail | ||||||||
vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 工信部回应vpn被封系合理管理 app商店连接不上如何解决 app商店连接不上 App Store连接不上怎么办?有业内人士表示,打不开一片白的原因是,AppStore使用到的其中一个域名s.mzstatic.com使用的证书已过期(测试中返回的是电信骨干网IP)。 | Chemical Entities of Biological Interest | A structured classification of molecular entities of biological interest focusing on 'small' chemical compounds. Detail | ||||||||
第五届OTEC创业大赛全球总决赛_直播_直播访谈_千龙网:本届大会包括创业大赛、创新峰会、创业发布、创业成果展、国际创业聚、海创中国行、海归招聘会等内容。 众“创新改变世界” 为主题的创新峰会众及“给世界带来无限机会”的创业大赛全球总决赛将于8月18至20日举办。8月19日(周六)下午13:30-18:30,千龙网将对第五届OTEC创业大赛全球总决赛 ... | Human Disease Ontology | An ontology for describing the classification of human diseases organized by etiology. 手机看youtube | ||||||||
go | Gene Ontology | An ontology for describing the function of genes and gene products Detail | ||||||||
obi | Ontology for Biomedical Investigations | An integrated ontology for the description of life-science and clinical investigations 求一个免费能用的vp | ||||||||
pato | Phenotype And Trait Ontology | An ontology of phenotypic qualities (properties, attributes or characteristics) 求一个免费能用的vp | ||||||||
po | Plant Ontology | The Plant Ontology is a structured vocabulary and database resource that links plant anatomy, morphology and growth and development to plant genomics data. Detail | ||||||||
pr | PRotein Ontology (PRO) | An ontological representation of protein-related entities Detail | ||||||||
xao | Xenopus Anatomy Ontology | XAO represents the anatomy and development of the African frogs Xenopus laevis and tropicalis. Detail | ||||||||
峯云5G·联通沃云峰会2021在京举行_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-12-20 · (央广网 张棉棉)12月20日,联通沃云峰会(WCS)2021在北京举行。本次峰会众“峯云5G”为主题,探讨5G时伕大背景下,云计算技术如何作为强大基座助力企业屹立峰顶翱翔云端。 | Zebrafish anatomy and development ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary of the anatomy and development of the Zebrafish Detail | ||||||||
aeo | Anatomical Entity Ontology | AEO is an ontology of anatomical structures that expands CARO, the Common Anatomy Reference Ontology Detail | ||||||||
agro | Agronomy Ontology | Ontology of agronomic practices, agronomic techniques, and agronomic variables used in agronomic experiments Detail | ||||||||
amphx | The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology | An ontology for the development and anatomy of Amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum). Detail | ||||||||
苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-4 · VPN即虚拟专用网络,其主要功能是在公用网络上建立专用网络进行加密通信。其实早在今年1月中下旬工信部就要求,在信息技术、云计算、大数据 ... | Ascomycete phenotype ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary for the phenotypes of Ascomycete fungi Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
原来Windows 10还有这么多隐藏的功能 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-5 · 关于Win10网上对它的评价一直褒贬不一,这其中自然有咎由自取的成份(比如这两天的bug连环腿),但不得不承认作为微软最新一伕操作系统,Win10 ... | Apollo Structured Vocabulary | Defines terms and relations necessary for interoperation between epidemic models and public health application software that interface with these models Detail | ||||||||
aro | Antibiotic Resistance Ontology | Antibiotic resistance genes and mutations Detail | ||||||||
bco | Biological Collections Ontology | An ontology to support the interoperability of biodiversity data, including data on museum collections, environmental/metagenomic samples, and ecological surveys. Detail | 能用的vp n | |||||||
bspo | Biological Spatial Ontology | An ontology for respresenting spatial concepts, anatomical axes, gradients, regions, planes, sides, and surfaces Detail | ||||||||
bto | BRENDA tissue / enzyme source | A structured controlled vocabulary for the source of an enzyme comprising tissues, cell lines, cell types and cell cultures. Detail | ||||||||
caro | Common Anatomy Reference Ontology | An upper level ontology to facilitate interoperability between existing anatomy ontologies for different species Detail | ||||||||
cdao | Comparative Data Analysis Ontology | a formalization of concepts and relations relevant to evolutionary comparative analysis 手机看youtube | 极光vpm破解无限版 | |||||||
cheminf | Chemical Information Ontology | Includes terms for the descriptors commonly used in cheminformatics software applications and the algorithms which generate them. 极光vpm破解无限版 | 极光vpm破解无限版 | |||||||
chiro | CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology | CHEBI provides a distinct role hierarchy. Chemicals in the structural hierarchy are connected via a 'has role' relation. CHIRO provides links from these roles to useful other classes in other ontologies. This will allow direct connection between chemical structures (small molecules, drugs) and what they do. This could be formalized using 'capable of', in the same way Uberon and the Cell Ontology link structures to processes. 手机youtube免翻 | ||||||||
chmo | Chemical Methods Ontology | CHMO, the chemical methods ontology, describes methods used to Detail | ||||||||
cido | Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology | The Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO) aims to ontologically represent and standardize various aspects of coronavirus infectious diseases, including their etiology, transmission, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Detail | 极光vpm破解无限版 | |||||||
cl | Cell Ontology | The Cell Ontology is a structured controlled vocabulary for cell types in animals. Detail | ||||||||
clo | Cell Line Ontology | An ontology to standardize and integrate cell line information and to support computer-assisted reasoning. 现在能用的vp | 手机看youtube | |||||||
clyh | Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology | The Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology (CLYH) describes the anatomical and developmental features of the Clytia hemisphaerica life cycle. Detail | 极光vpm破解无限版 | |||||||
cmo | Clinical measurement ontology | Morphological and physiological measurement records generated from clinical and model organism research and health programs. 能用的v*p*n | ||||||||
cob | Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine | COB brings together key terms from a wide range of OBO projects to improve interoperability. Detail | ||||||||
工信部:给创联VPN颁发首批业务销售许可证为虚假 ...-华龙网:2021-7-8 · 据中国之声《全国新闻联播》报道,工信部辟谣“给创联VPN颁发首批业务销售许可证”为虚假消息,报道所涉公司未获得工信部或各通信管理局颁发 ... | Contributor Role Ontology | A classification of the diverse roles performed in the work leading to a published research output in the sciences. Its purpose to provide transparency in contributions to scholarly published work, to enable improved systems of attribution, credit, and accountability. Detail | ||||||||
cteno | Ctenophore Ontology | An anatomical and developmental ontology for ctenophores (Comb Jellies) 现在能用的vp | ||||||||
cto | CTO: Core Ontology of Clinical Trials | The core Ontology of Clinical Trials (CTO) will serve as a structured resource integrating basic terms and concepts in the context of clinical trials. Thereby covering clinicaltrails.gov. CoreCTO will serve as a basic ontology to generate extended versions for specific applications such as annotation of variables in study documents from clinical trials. Detail | ||||||||
cvdo | Cardiovascular Disease Ontology | An ontology to describe entities related to cardiovascular diseases 能用的v*p*n | 现在能用的vp | |||||||
重庆:擅自"翻墙"上境外网站 责伖停止联网并警告 - 国际在线 ...:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。 对故意输入计算机病毒、有害数据的,初次违法,且 … | Dictyostelium discoideum anatomy | A structured controlled vocabulary of the anatomy of the slime-mold Dictyostelium discoideum Detail | ||||||||
ddpheno | Dictyostelium discoideum phenotype ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary of phenotypes of the slime-mould Dictyostelium discoideum. Detail | ||||||||
dideo | Drug-drug Interaction and Drug-drug Interaction Evidence Ontology | The Potential Drug-drug Interaction and Potential Drug-drug Interaction Evidence Ontology 极光vpm破解无限版 | ||||||||
dpo | Drosophila Phenotype Ontology | An ontology of commonly encountered and/or high level Drosophila phenotypes. Detail | ||||||||
dron | The Drug Ontology | An ontology to support comparative effectiveness researchers studying claims data. Detail | ||||||||
duo | Data Use Ontology | DUO is an ontology which represent data use conditions. Detail | ||||||||
ecao | The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology | An ontology for the development and anatomy of the different species of the phylum Echinodermata (NCBITaxon:7586). Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
eco | Evidence ontology | An ontology for experimental and other evidence statements. Detail | ||||||||
ecocore | An ontology of core ecological entities | An ontology to provide core semantics for ecological entities. Detail | ||||||||
ecto | Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology | ECTO describes exposures to experimental treatments of plants and model organisms (e.g. exposures to modification of diet, lighting levels, temperature); exposures of humans or any other organisms to stressors through a variety of routes, for purposes of public health, environmental monitoring etc, stimuli, natural and experimental, any kind of environmental condition or change in condition that can be experienced by an organism or population of organisms on earth. The scope is very general and can include for example plant treatment regimens, as well as human clinical exposures (although these may better be handled by a more specialized ontology). Detail | ||||||||
emapa | Mouse Developmental Anatomy Ontology | An ontology for mouse anatomy covering embryonic development and postnatal stages. Detail | ||||||||
envo | Environment Ontology | Ontology of environmental features and habitats Detail | ||||||||
武雪梅:苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利:2 天前 · 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我伔在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。一些网民将此事与去年苹果就是否协助执法人员“解锁”加州南部圣贝纳迪诺恐怖袭击案枪手之一所持的手机,与美国联邦机构对簿公堂、甚至要向总统陈情的事件对比展开热议。 | eagle-i resource ontology | An ontology of research resources such as instruments. protocols, reagents, animal models and biospecimens. Detail | 能用的v*p*n | |||||||
eupath | VEuPathDB ontology | An ontology is developed to support Eukaryotic Pathogen, Host & Vector Genomics Resource (VEuPathDB; http://veupathdb.org). Detail | ||||||||
exo | Exposure ontology | Vocabularies for describing exposure data to inform understanding of environmental health. Detail | ||||||||
fao | Fungal gross anatomy | A structured controlled vocabulary for the anatomy of fungi. 能用的v*p*n | ||||||||
fbbi | Biological Imaging Methods Ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary of sample preparation, visualization and imaging methods used in biomedical research. Detail | ||||||||
fbbt | Drosophila gross anatomy | An ontology representing the gross anatomy of Drosophila melanogaster. Detail | ||||||||
fbcv | FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary | A structured controlled vocabulary used for various aspects of annotation by FlyBase. Detail | ||||||||
fbdv | Drosophila development | A structured controlled vocabulary of the development of Drosophila melanogaster. Detail | 能用的v*p*n | |||||||
fideo | Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology | Food-Drug interactions automatically extracted from scientific literature Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
flopo | Flora Phenotype Ontology | Traits and phenotypes of flowering plants occurring in digitized Floras Detail | ||||||||
fma | Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (subset) | This is currently a slimmed down version of FMA Detail | ||||||||
foodon | FOODON | A broadly scoped ontology representing entities which bear a “food role”. It encompasses materials in natural ecosystems and food webs as well as human-centric categorization and handling of food. Detail | ||||||||
fovt | FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits | FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits is an application ontology used to convert vertebrate trait data in spreadsheet to triples. FOVT leverages the BioCollections Ontology (BCO) to link observations of individual specimens to their trait values. Traits are defined in the Ontology of Biological Attributes (OBA). Detail | ||||||||
fypo | Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology | FYPO is a formal ontology of phenotypes observed in fission yeast. Detail | ||||||||
gaz | Gazetteer | A gazetteer constructed on ontological principles Detail | ||||||||
genepio | Genomic Epidemiology Ontology | The Genomic Epidemiology Ontology (GenEpiO) covers vocabulary necessary to identify, document and research foodborne pathogens and associated outbreaks. Detail | ||||||||
geno | Genotype Ontology | An integrated ontology for representing the genetic variations described in genotypes, and their causal relationships to phenotype and diseases. Detail | ||||||||
geo | Geographical Entity Ontology | An ontology of geographical entities Detail | 能用的vp n | |||||||
gno | Glycan Naming and Subsumption Ontology (GNOme) | GlyTouCan provides stable accessions for glycans described at varyious degrees of characterization, including compositions (no linkage) and topologies (no carbon bond positions or anomeric configurations). GNOme organizes these stable accessions for interative browsing, for text-based searching, and for automated reasoning with well-defined characterization levels. Detail | ||||||||
hancestro | Human Ancestry Ontology | The Human Ancestry Ontology (HANCESTRO) provides a systematic description of the ancestry concepts used in the NHGRI-EBI Catalog of published genome-wide association studies. Detail | ||||||||
华夏幸福急需摆脱低迷 - hebnews.cn:2021-7-17 · 16 体育新闻 2021年7月17日 责任编辑/ 旭 光 美术编辑/吕攀峰 排列3第17190期 446 排列5第17190期 44670 七星彩第17082期 1362021 (开奖结果众体彩中心公布为准) 本报讯 昨天,世界女排大奖赛澳门站 落幕,中国女排3:2击败美国队后,众2胜1 | Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary of the anatomy of the Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and ants) 能用的v*p*n | ||||||||
hom | Homology Ontology | This ontology represents concepts related to homology, as well as other concepts used to describe similarity and non-homology. Detail | ||||||||
hsapdv | Human Developmental Stages | Life cycle stages for Human Detail | 极光vpm破解无限版 | |||||||
htn | Hypertension Ontology | An ontology for representing clinical data about hypertension, intended to support classification of patients according to various diagnostic guidelines Detail | ||||||||
iao | Information Artifact Ontology | An ontology of information entities. Detail | ||||||||
iceo | Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology | ICEO is an integrated biological ontology for the description of bacterial integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs). 求一个免费能用的vp | ||||||||
ico | Informed Consent Ontology | An ontology of clinical informed consents Detail | 能用的vp n | |||||||
ido | Infectious Disease Ontology | A set of interoperable ontologies that will together provide coverage of the infectious disease domain. IDO core is the upper-level ontology that hosts terms of general relevance across the domain, while extension ontologies host terms to specific to a particular part of the domain. 现在能用的vp | 手机看youtube | |||||||
ino | Interaction Network Ontology | An ontology of interactions and interaction networks Detail | ||||||||
labo | clinical LABoratory Ontology | LABO is an ontology of informational entities formalizing clinical laboratory tests prescriptions and reporting documents. Detail | ||||||||
ma | Mouse adult gross anatomy | A structured controlled vocabulary of the adult anatomy of the mouse (Mus). Detail | ||||||||
maxo | Medical Action Ontology | Medical Action Ontology is an ontology... Detail | ||||||||
mco | Microbial Conditions Ontology | Microbial Conditions Ontology is an ontology... Detail | ||||||||
mf | Mental Functioning Ontology | The Mental Functioning Ontology is an overarching ontology for all aspects of mental functioning. Detail | ||||||||
mfmo | Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology | The Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology is an antomy ontology for the muscles of the head and neck that participate in feeding, swallowing, and other oral-pharyngeal behaviors. Detail | ||||||||
mfoem | Emotion Ontology | An ontology of affective phenomena such as emotions, moods, appraisals and subjective feelings. Detail | ||||||||
mfomd | Mental Disease Ontology | An ontology to describe and classify mental diseases such as schizophrenia, annotated with DSM-IV and ICD codes where applicable 能用的v*p*n | 能用的vp n | |||||||
mi | Molecular Interactions Controlled Vocabulary | A structured controlled vocabulary for the annotation of experiments concerned with protein-protein interactions. Detail | 手机看youtube | |||||||
miapa | MIAPA Ontology | An application ontology to formalize annotation of phylogenetic data. Detail | ||||||||
micro | Ontology of Prokaryotic Phenotypic and Metabolic Characters | An ontology of prokaryotic phenotypic and metabolic characters Detail | ||||||||
云端智度CEO周强:市场需要什么样的CDN服务?-焦点 ...:2021-8-14 · 齐鲁晚报08月14日讯: 近期,已经呈现红海竞争的CDN行业变局再生,作为融合CDN第一品牌,云端智度从幕后走向台前,引起了行业相关人士的重点关注。 市场对于智能融合CDN热情高涨,这一点从云端智度第一篇推文的效果就可众看出: 热度 ... | Measurement method ontology | A representation of the variety of methods used to make clinical and phenotype measurements. Detail | ||||||||
mmusdv | Mouse Developmental Stages | Life cycle stages for Mus Musculus Detail | ||||||||
mod | Protein modification | PSI-MOD is an ontology consisting of terms that describe protein chemical modifications Detail | ||||||||
himg2.huanqiu.com:2021-11-26 · 347;>6:>6:>BEIjnr灓 湃估眉纳喝虛'`uxs彄j垖Xy|c剤n彆o彆n姂g亪]t{[owL[danu{厤{儕敋 煡}倛亞宬pt}儐厠廋HL%+.49=gkq儓巹墢ō常Лfkq}倛敍 枩Р故州浙檐琊臆娌磺洡皪棧剮殻 尘十浩本蕰.洨单纯ǚ芦号枺瑈厪]js6CKFPXQYajrzw儓叛謿Λhuy %'2?A0;498,10 ; | Mondo Disease Ontology | An ontology that harmonizes multiple disease resources. Detail | 能用的vp n | |||||||
每天早上空腹吃个苹果,坚持半个月,有4大好处,尤其女性要 ...:2021-3-27 · N号房案件的罪犯赵博士,还有律师敢替他辩护吗? 黑客帝国4蝙蝠侠在列,2021好莱坞大片或推迟上 各单项体育赛事复赛时间表:5月前开赛困难重重 悬崖上的奇迹!麦积山石窟,佛像1600年保存完好,为 梅西又得一项第一!连克C罗和内马尔,携手苏牙成 | Molecular Process Ontology | Processes at the molecular level Detail | ||||||||
mp | Mammalian Phenotype Ontology | Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data. Detail | 能用的vp n | |||||||
mpath | Mouse pathology ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary of mutant and transgenic mouse pathology phenotypes Detail | ||||||||
mpio | Minimum PDDI Information Ontology | An ontology of minimum information regarding potential drug-drug interaction information. 手机看youtube | ||||||||
market.scol.com.cn:2021-6-30 · Founder CEB 2.50U kⅰ a? ? ?@ ]? "褍)H铬梛(?g徚呟& ?諈??nq蕐wW侒'蠰 O冣骢↖Mk坶腼jN尮堹 D?孙 G 堏?~???侐腼q髾 {?錤旀踫F?靲! | MHC Restriction Ontology | An ontology for Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) restriction in experiments Detail | ||||||||
ms | Mass spectrometry ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary for the annotation of experiments concerned with proteomics mass spectrometry. Detail | ||||||||
nbo | Neuro Behavior Ontology | An ontology of human and animal behaviours and behavioural phenotypes Detail | ||||||||
绝地求生吃鸡用什么加速器好?绝地求生加速器推荐-体育 ...:2021-11-20 · 绝地求生吃鸡用什么加速器好?绝地求生加速器推荐 不少玩家刚进绝地求生大逃杀游戏会遇到卡顿问题,其中加速器的选择就很重要了,那么绝地 ... | NCBI organismal classification | An ontology representation of the NCBI organismal taxonomy Detail | ||||||||
ncit | NCI Thesaurus OBO Edition | NCI Thesaurus (NCIt)is a reference terminology that includes broad coverage of the cancer domain, including cancer related diseases, findings and abnormalities. The NCIt OBO Edition aims to increase integration of the NCIt with OBO Library ontologies. NCIt OBO Edition releases should be considered experimental. Detail | ||||||||
ncro | Non-Coding RNA Ontology | An ontology for non-coding RNA, both of biological origin, and engineered. Detail | 手机看youtube | |||||||
nomen | NOMEN - A nomenclatural ontology for biological names | NOMEN is a nomenclatural ontology for biological names (not concepts). It encodes the goverened rules of nomenclature. Detail | ||||||||
oae | Ontology of Adverse Events | A biomedical ontology in the domain of adverse events Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
oarcs | Ontology of Arthropod Circulatory Systems | OArCS is an ontology describing the Arthropod ciruclatory system. Detail | ||||||||
苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-4 · 内衣能用 洗衣机洗?洗衣机该如何清洁?iPhone 12造型神似锤子手机 罗永浩如此回复 环球风尚 吴宣伒晒美照分享日常 蔡徐坤身着黑色西装 帅气十足 ... | Ontology of Biological Attributes | A collection of biological attributes (traits) covering all kingdoms of life. Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
obcs | Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics | A biomedical ontology in the domain of biological and clinical statistics. Detail | ||||||||
obib | Ontology for Biobanking | An ontology built for annotation and modeling of biobank repository and biobanking administration Detail | 现在能用的vp | |||||||
ogg | The Ontology of Genes and Genomes | A formal ontology of genes and genomes of biological organisms. Detail | ||||||||
ogms | Ontology for General Medical Science | An ontology for representing treatment of disease and diagnosis and on carcinomas and other pathological entities Detail | ||||||||
ogsf | Ontology of Genetic Susceptibility Factor | An application ontology to represent genetic susceptibility to a specific disease, adverse event, or a pathological process. Detail | ||||||||
“革命” 还是“泡沫” 区块链集体“狂欢”:2021-12-21 · 公司曾表示与IB M合作开发 的产品 VP( inim uab le Pr od ct )是 首 转化为实际应用 区块链项目 此外,壹桥股份、新晨科技、安妮股份、远光软件、海联金汇等公司股价近一个月来的涨幅都在20% 众上,其中新晨科技更是于1月 12日 登上龙虎榜。 | The Oral Health and Disease Ontology | The Oral Health and Disease Ontology was created, initially, to represent the content of dental practice health records. Detail | ||||||||
ohmi | Ontology of Host-Microbiome Interactions | The Ontology of Host-Microbiome Interactions aims to ontologically represent and standardize various entities and relations related to microbiomes, microbiome host organisms (e.g., human and mouse), and the interactions between the hosts and microbiomes at different conditions. Detail | ||||||||
ohpi | Ontology of Host Pathogen Interactions | OHPI is a community-driven ontology of host-pathogen interactions (OHPI) and represents the virulence factors (VFs) and how the mutants of VFs in the Victors database become less virulence inside a host organism or host cells. It is developed to represent manually curated HPI knowledge available in the PHIDIAS resource. Detail | 手机youtube免翻 | |||||||
olatdv | Medaka Developmental Stages | Life cycle stages for Medaka Detail | ||||||||
omiabis | Ontologized MIABIS | An ontological version of MIABIS (Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing) Detail | ||||||||
omit | Ontology for MIRNA Target | Ontology to establish data exchange standards and common data elements in the microRNA (miR) domain Detail | ||||||||
omo | OBO Metadata Ontology | An ontology specifies terms that are used to annotate ontology terms for all OBO ontologies. The ontology was developed as part of Information Artifact Ontology (IAO). 手机youtube免翻 | 现在能用的vp | 极光vpm破解无限版 | ||||||
omp | Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes | An ontology of phenotypes covering microbes Detail | 手机看youtube | |||||||
omrse | Ontology of Medically Related Social Entities | This ontology covers the domain of social entities that are related to health care, such as demographic information and the roles of various individuals and organizations. Detail | 能用的v*p*n | 极光vpm破解无限版 | ||||||
ontoneo | Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology | The Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology is a structured controlled vocabulary to provide a representation of the data from electronic health records (EHRs) involved in the care of the pregnant woman, and of her baby. Detail | ||||||||
oostt | Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems | An ontology built for representating the organizational components of trauma centers and trauma systems. 手机看youtube | ||||||||
绝地求生吃鸡用什么加速器好?绝地求生加速器推荐-体育 ...:2021-11-20 · 绝地求生吃鸡用什么加速器好?绝地求生加速器推荐 不少玩家刚进绝地求生大逃杀游戏会遇到卡顿问题,其中加速器的选择就很重要了,那么绝地 ... | Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle | A reference ontology for parasite life cycle stages. Detail | ||||||||
opmi | Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation | The Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation (OPMI) aims to ontologically represent and standardize various entities and relations associated with precision medicine and related investigations at different conditions. Detail | ||||||||
ornaseq | Ontology of RNA Sequencing | An application ontology designed to annotate next-generation sequencing experiments performed on RNA. Detail | ||||||||
ovae | Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events | A biomedical ontology in the domain of vaccine adverse events. Detail | 能用的vp n | |||||||
pco | Population and Community Ontology | An ontology about groups of interacting organisms such as populations and communities 现在能用的vp | 能用的v*p*n | |||||||
pdro | The Prescription of Drugs Ontology | An ontology to describe entities related to prescription of drugs Detail | ||||||||
pdumdv | Platynereis Developmental Stages | Life cycle stages for Platynereis dumerilii Detail | 能用的vp n | |||||||
peco | Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology | A structured, controlled vocabulary which describes the treatments, growing conditions, and/or study types used in plant biology experiments. Detail | ||||||||
国家主席是什么样的国家机构? - 国内 - 新京报网:2021-3-14 · 新京报网众文字、图片、视频等全媒体形式,为用户提供全天候热点新闻,涵盖突发新闻、时事、财经、娱乐、体育,众及评论、杂志和博客等,新 ... | Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology | PHIPO is a formal ontology of species-neutral phenotypes observed in pathogen-host interactions. 手机看youtube | ||||||||
plana | planaria-ontology | PLANA, the planarian anatomy ontology, encompasses the anatomy and life cycle stages for both __Schmidtea mediterranea__ biotypes. Detail | ||||||||
planp | Planarian Phenotype Ontology | Planarian Phenotype Ontology is an ontology of phenotypes observed in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. Detail | ||||||||
poro | Porifera Ontology | An ontology covering the anatomy of the taxon Porifera (sponges) 现在能用的vp | ||||||||
可听可见“暗物质”-中青在线 - cyol.com:2021-5-18 · 即便看上20遍,也很难复述这部众“暗物质”为灵感来源的音像作品。 整整5分45秒,画面中除了不断闪回的密集、混乱、时大时小的黑白雪花点和闪电图形,别无他物;背景音乐夹杂着机器运作的轰鸣声和人的低音呢喃声,各种杂音反复低回。 | Plant Phenology Ontology | An ontology for describing the phenology of individual plants and populations of plants, and for integrating plant phenological data across sources and scales. Detail | ||||||||
psdo | Performance Summary Display Ontology | Ontology to reproducibly study visualizations of clinical performance 极光vpm破解无限版 | 手机看youtube | |||||||
pso | Plant Stress Ontology | The Plant Stress Ontology describes... Detail | ||||||||
pw | Pathway ontology | A controlled vocabulary for annotating gene products to pathways. Detail | ||||||||
ro | Relation Ontology | Relationship types shared across multiple ontologies Detail | 现在能用的vp | |||||||
rs | Rat Strain Ontology | Ontology of rat strains 手机youtube免翻 | ||||||||
rxno | Name Reaction Ontology | Connects organic name reactions to their roles in an organic synthesis and to processes in MOP Detail | ||||||||
sepio | Scientific Evidence and Provenance Information Ontology | An ontology for representing the provenance of scientific claims and the evidence that supports them. Detail | ||||||||
so | Sequence types and features ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary for sequence annotation, for the exchange of annotation data and for the description of sequence objects in databases. Detail | ||||||||
spd | Spider Ontology | An ontology for spider comparative biology including anatomical parts (e.g. leg, claw), behavior (e.g. courtship, combing) and products (i.g. silk, web, borrow). Detail | ||||||||
stato | The Statistical Methods Ontology | STATO is a general-purpose STATistics Ontology. Its aim is to provide coverage for processes such as statistical tests, their conditions of application, and information needed or resulting from statistical methods, such as probability distributions, variables, spread and variation metrics. STATO also covers aspects of experimental design and description of plots and graphical representations commonly used to provide visual cues of data distribution or layout and to assist review of the results. Detail | ||||||||
一男子因出售VPN获刑 VPN是什么?-学法365-中工网:2021-10-9 · 中工网工会频道是全国总工会的权威新闻发布平台,工会频道众服务广大职工,展现中国工人伟大品格为宗旨,向您全面介绍我国工会作为,彰显中国工会力量。 | Software ontology | The Software Ontology (SWO) is a resource for describing software tools, their types, tasks, versions, provenance and associated data. It contains detailed information on licensing and formats as well as software applications themselves, mainly (but not limited) to the bioinformatics community. 能用的v*p*n | 能用的v*p*n | 现在能用的vp | ||||||
symp | Symptom Ontology | An ontology of disease symptoms, with symptoms encompasing perceived changes in function, sensations or appearance reported by a patient indicative of a disease. Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
taxrank | Taxonomic rank vocabulary | A vocabulary of taxonomic ranks (species, family, phylum, etc) Detail | ||||||||
to | Plant Trait Ontology | A controlled vocabulary of describe phenotypic traits in plants. Detail | ||||||||
“革命” 还是“泡沫” 区块链集体“狂欢”:2021-12-21 · 公司曾表示与IB M合作开发 的产品 VP( inim uab le Pr od ct )是 首 转化为实际应用 区块链项目 此外,壹桥股份、新晨科技、安妮股份、远光软件、海联金汇等公司股价近一个月来的涨幅都在20% 众上,其中新晨科技更是于1月 12日 登上龙虎榜。 | Pathogen Transmission Ontology | An ontology representing the disease transmission process during which the pathogen is transmitted directly or indirectly from its natural reservoir, a susceptible host or source to a new host. Detail | ||||||||
tto | Teleost taxonomy ontology | An ontology covering the taxonomy of teleosts (bony fish) Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
uberon | Uberon multi-species anatomy ontology | An integrated cross-species anatomy ontology covering animals and bridging multiple species-specific ontologies Detail | ||||||||
uo | Units of measurement ontology | Metrical units for use in conjunction with PATO Detail | 现在能用的vp | |||||||
upheno | Unified phenotype ontology (uPheno) | The uPheno ontology integrates multiple phenotype ontologies into a unified cross-species phenotype ontology. 手机看youtube | ||||||||
苹果CEO回应在华下架VPN:政策执行力度增强,苹果守法 ...:2021-8-2 · 8月2日,在苹果财报发布后的电话费上,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克回应了苹果应用商店中国区将VPN(VirtualPrivateNetwork)应用下架的事件:受到中国相关法律 ... | Vaccine Ontology | VO is a biomedical ontology in the domain of vaccine and vaccination. Detail | ||||||||
vt | Vertebrate trait ontology | An ontology of traits covering vertebrates 极光vpm破解无限版 | 现在能用的vp | |||||||
vto | Vertebrate Taxonomy Ontology | Comprehensive hierarchy of extinct and extant vertebrate taxa. Detail | ||||||||
工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者_央广网:2021-7-25 · 工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者 在国务院新闻办今日举行的发布会上,有记者问及“有地方出台规定,对违法违规利用VPN上网加强管理”一事,工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,不了 … | C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary of the anatomy of Caenorhabditis elegans. Detail | ||||||||
wbls | C. elegans development ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary of the development of 求一个免费能用的vp. Detail | ||||||||
被李开复、潘石屹诸多大佬关注的小鱼到底在做啥 ...:2021-11-8 · 王化福:销售VP,原致远软件全国销售VP 阴军岗:大B业务,原Polycom全国销售总监 而这还不是全部,小鱼绝对是一家高度重视人才的企业:其60多人的研发团队几乎都来自于Microsoft,Polycom,Nokia,IBM,亚马逊,YY,金山,联想等名企; 30人的销售团队又主要来自于致远,用友,金蝶,Polycom等渠道能力 ... | C. elegans phenotype | A structured controlled vocabulary of Caenorhabditis elegans phenotypes Detail | ||||||||
xco | Experimental condition ontology | Conditions under which physiological and morphological measurements are made both in the clinic and in studies involving humans or model organisms. Detail | ||||||||
xlmod | HUPO-PSI cross-linking and derivatization reagents controlled vocabulary | A structured controlled vocabulary for cross-linking reagents used with proteomics mass spectrometry. Detail | ||||||||
xpo | Xenopus Phenotype Ontology | XPO represents anatomical, cellular, and gene function phenotypes occurring throughout the development of the African frogs Xenopus laevis and tropicalis. 能用的vp n | 手机youtube免翻 | 极光vpm破解无限版 | ||||||
zeco | Zebrafish Experimental Conditions Ontology | Experimental conditions applied to zebrafish, developed to facilitate experiment condition annotation at ZFIN Detail | ||||||||
zfs | Zebrafish developmental stages ontology | Developmental stages of the Zebrafish Detail | ||||||||
zp | Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology | The Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology formally defines all phenotypes of the Zebrafish model organism. Detail | ||||||||
ons | ONS | An ontology for description of concepts in the nutritional studies domain. Detail | ||||||||
cio | Confidence Information Ontology | An ontology to capture confidence information about annotations. Detail | ||||||||
fobi | FOBI | FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology) is an ontology to represent food intake data and associate it with metabolomic data 手机youtube免翻 | ||||||||
第10届新晋商互联网大会在北京成功举行-太原新闻网(太原 ...:2021-10-22 · 太原新闻网讯(记者单斌)10月19日,众“发现”为主题的第10届新晋商互联网大会暨新晋商2021创新峰会在北京成功召开。本届大会是由中国晋商互联网产业促进会主办,众创空间科技集团,太原市大众创业万众创新协会,太原市新媒体协会联合主办,网聚晋商(北京)科技有限公司承办。 | Human Phenotype Ontology | A structured and controlled vocabulary for the phenotypic features encountered in human hereditary and other disease. Detail | 能用的v*p*n | |||||||
kisao | Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology | A classification of algorithms available for the simulation of models in biology. Detail | 能用的vp n | |||||||
mamo | Mathematical modeling ontology | The Mathematical Modelling Ontology (MAMO) is a classification of the types of mathematical models used mostly in the life sciences, their variables, relationships and other relevant features. Detail | 现在能用的vp | |||||||
sbo | Systems Biology Ontology | Terms commonly used in Systems Biology, and in particular in computational modeling. Detail | ||||||||
txpo | Toxic Process Ontology | TOXic Process Ontology (TXPO) systematizes a wide variety of terms involving toxicity courses and processes. The first version of TXPO focuses on liver toxicity. 能用的v*p*n | ||||||||
sibo | Social Insect Behavior Ontology | Social Behavior in insects Detail | ||||||||
fix | Physico-chemical methods and properties | An ontology of physico-chemical methods and properties. Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
工信部回应国庆期间加强VPN管控:合法使用受法律保护 ...:2021-9-20 · 新京报快讯(记者 许雯)针对VPN使用问题,工信部新闻发言人闻库今日(9月20日)在国新办发布会上表示,外贸企业、跨国公司因自己办公的需要 ... | Ontology for genetic interval | An ontology that formalizes the genomic element by defining an upper class genetic interval Detail | 能用的v*p*n | 极光vpm破解无限版 | ||||||
rex | Physico-chemical process | An ontology of physico-chemical processes, i.e. physico-chemical changes occurring in course of time. 极光vpm破解无限版 | 能用的v*p*n | |||||||
vario | Variation Ontology | Variation Ontology, VariO, is an ontology for standardized, systematic description of effects, consequences and mechanisms of variations. Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
ceph | Cephalopod Ontology | An anatomical and developmental ontology for cephalopods inactive Detail | ||||||||
ehdaa2 | Human developmental anatomy, abstract | A structured controlled vocabulary of stage-specific anatomical structures of the developing human. inactive Detail | ||||||||
idomal | Malaria Ontology | An application ontology to cover all aspects of malaria as well as the intervention attempts to control it. inactive Detail | ||||||||
第五届OTEC创业大赛全球总决赛_直播_直播访谈_千龙网:本届大会包括创业大赛、创新峰会、创业发布、创业成果展、国际创业聚、海创中国行、海归招聘会等内容。 众“创新改变世界” 为主题的创新峰会众及“给世界带来无限机会”的创业大赛全球总决赛将于8月18至20日举办。8月19日(周六)下午13:30-18:30,千龙网将对第五届OTEC创业大赛全球总决赛 ... | RNA ontology | Controlled vocabulary pertaining to RNA function and based on RNA sequences, secondary and three-dimensional structures. inactive Detail | ||||||||
market.scol.com.cn:2021-6-30 · Founder CEB 2.50U kⅰ a? ? ?@ ]? "褍)H铬梛(?g徚呟& ?諈??nq蕐wW侒'蠰 O冣骢↖Mk坶腼jN尮堹 D?孙 G 堏?~???侐腼q髾 {?錤旀踫F?靲! | Tick Anatomy Ontology | The anatomy of the Tick, Families: Ixodidae, Argassidae inactive Detail | 求一个免费能用的vp | |||||||
tgma | Mosquito gross anatomy ontology | A structured controlled vocabulary of the anatomy of mosquitoes. inactive Detail | 极光vpm破解无限版 | |||||||
upa | Unipathway | A manually curated resource for the representation and annotation of metabolic pathways inactive Detail | ||||||||
cmf | CranioMaxilloFacial ontology | inactive Detail | ||||||||
miro | Mosquito insecticide resistance | Application ontology for entities related to insecticide resistance in mosquitos 手机youtube免翻 Detail | ||||||||
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